Welcome to Palm House

Booking for organised groups from 9:00 to 18:00
phone no. 32 231 32 39
Palm House Manager
phone no. 32 335 04 37
Palm House Deputy Manager
phone no. 32 335 04 27
We are closed on Mondays
Municipal Palm House in the city of Gliwice is the educational venue for popularization of flora and fauna of non-native climatic zones. It enables children and young people to gain information on plants and animals in a much more interesting way than learning from school books. It provides
adults with perfect natural surroundings in which they can unwind and relax. For elderly people, on the other hand, the Palm House is a pleasant spot for meetings and socialising with others. Budget admission fees make it possible for every lover of nature to familiarize themselves with the exotic
environment. The management of the Palm House maintains a close contact with other similar institutions, enriching thus Gliwice collection with new interesting specimens of flora and fauna.You are most welcome to visit us.
Opening Hours of Gliwice Palm House:
from Tuesday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00
on Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00
Booking for organized groups:
from 9 00 to 18 00
phone no. 32 231 32 39 or [email protected]
The Palm House is closed to public on Mondays.